Tenant survey 2025 results: tenants feel good in their homes

A total of 437 tenants (about 20%) responded to our 2025 survey. The overall satisfaction score remained at 4.1, just like last year! Tenants continue to appreciate the quality of their homes, excellent customer service, and clear communication. ✅ Home Comfort & Quality Tenants feel their homes are in good condition (4.2) and well-designed for […]

Help a friend find a home – and get a gift card!

Would you like to help your friend find a home and receive a gift card for yourself? NAL Asunnot gives you the chance to recommend a friend as a tenant – and if they sign a rental agreement, both of you will receive a 50€ gift card as a thank-you! How it works 1️⃣ Fill […]

What does our rent consist of, and why can it increase?

In recent years, the cost of living has gone up significantly. What affects how our rent is set, and what causes rent increases? Read a detailed explanation below. How is our rent calculated? NAL Asunnot is a non-profit organization, meaning we don’t make a profit from our rents. This means that we charge rent only […]

The new CEO of NAL Asunnot takes the helm on July 1st

NAL Asunnot’s board has chosen Anna Kulkki as the new CEO. Anna brings with her a strong background in the real estate industry, having previously worked at companies such as SATO Oyj and Avara Oy, as well as Asset and Portfolio Manager at Taaleri Kiinteistöt Oy. With almost 10 years of leadership experience, Anna brings […]

Resident satisfaction rises at NAL Asunnot

The average score of NAL Asunnot 2024 resident survey rose from the previous year, now standing at 4.1. The overall score for the survey was 4.1 (on a scale of 1–5), compared to 4.0 in 2023. The survey was conducted early in the year, and it received a record number of responses. 31% of residents, […]

The 2022 sustainability report is now published

NAL Asunnot has now released its first sustainability report, providing a comprehensive overview of the company’s sustainability efforts in 2022. The sustainability program, launched in 2021, is based on four key themes: Comfortable homes for young people Environmentally friendly living Employee well-being Fair business practices These themes guide NAL Asunnot in developing its operations towards […]

NAL Asunnot has started the search for a new CEO

NAL Asunnot Oy announces the commencement of a search for a new Chief Executive Officer following the voluntary resignation of Samuli Killström. The board of NAL Asunnot Oy has started the search for a new ceo, and Mr. Killström’s responsibilities as the CEO concluded on December 14. NAL Asunnot expresses gratitude to Mr. Killström for […]

Resident satisfaction at NAL Asunnot is once again high

Despite the challenging recent years, the average score for NAL Asunnot’s resident satisfaction survey in 2023 was again 4.0. The overall rating for the survey was 4.0 (on a scale of 1 to 5), the same as the previous year’s result. The survey conducted in May received a record number of responses, with approximately 20% […]

We are looking for new members to join Resident Panel

Would you like to have an impact on what kind of homes are built for young people in the future? Do you want to take part in developing and designing services related to houses targeted for young adults? Apply to the National Resident Panel! Resident Panel consists of residents living in the houses belonging to […]

Application period open for new apartments in Jätkäsaari

Application period starts for 84 apartments to be completed in the middle of Jätkäsaari at the end of March. The 8 storey building of Gibraltarinaukio 4 will have 60 studios and 24 two-room apartments. There is a balcony that faces to the park in some of the two-room apartments. Studios: 28,5–30,5m2, rent €545–600/mo 1 bedroom […]